Physiotherapy treatment

Physical therapy along with diet and drug therapy is widely used in the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

Other therapies physiotherapy has full security along with high efficiency. It can be carried out without drugs. Moreover, its use allows to reduce the dose of drugs or even completely abandon their reception.

Physiotherapy is the treatment of the body natural and physical factors. The curative effect of high and low temperature, ultrasonic waves, electric current, magnetic field of different frequencies, ultraviolet and infrared radiation, mud, water. All these factors are used in various techniques of physiotherapy.
With the help of physiotherapy, you can reduce the risk of side effects not only of the disease itself and the treatment, often has a negative impact on the body's defenses. As an example we may mention the negative impact on the body of antibiotics, which helps to eliminate physiotherapy.

Commonly used physical therapy in nursing homes, entering treatment programs of different organs and systems.
In the initial stages of the disease, physiotherapy can be an independent effective treatment, in the future, it is included in the complex of therapeutic methods, increasing their efficiency. Under the influence of physiotherapy faster heal wounds and inflammation, reducing the duration of treatment, aktiviziruyutsya biochemical processes, the body begins to fight the disease. Many methods of physical therapy can be used not only with therapeutic, prophylactic, causing the strengthening of the immune system and increasing the body's resistance to negative factors.