Dry carbon dioxide bath – a kind of treatment with carbon dioxide, one of the types of Spa treatment.

The procedure is performed using humidified carbon dioxide, which acts on the body as a biological stimulus. Carbon dioxide has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, improves circulation, respiratory function, metabolism.

The technique of the procedure, dry carbon dioxide baths.

For the procedures of "dry" carbonic baths use a special bath, in the apparatus which provides for exactly dosed supply of carbon dioxide, the heating system and automatically maintain the desired temperature in the bath and humidifier carbon dioxide. Bath is served by a special soft neck (cervical seal). On the remote control to set the desired parameters. After reaching the desired temperature, heating is switched off. The patient undresses, staying in a speedo (swimsuit) and sits in the tub in a comfortable position. The patient's head due to cervical neck, is out of action carbonic acid. The tub to fill with carbon dioxide continues up to 3 minutes, after this time, the flow of carbon dioxide is automatically blocked. After the procedure automatically turns on exhaust fan through which the carbon dioxide-air mixture is removed from the bath outside the room. Next, remove the neck seal. The patient comes out of the bath and dressed. The procedure for making dry carbon dioxide baths lasts from 10 to 20 minutes. It all depends on the patient's diagnosis. It is not excluded that during the procedure the patient may experience unusual sensations.


  • Unlike water, dry baths do not have water pressure, objectionable with heart disease. Therefore, carbon dioxide baths can be used in many diseases of the heart. In addition, these baths can serve as the perfect prevention of such diseaseslevani.
  • Under the action of the carbonic acid of the blood vessels to dilate, decreasing peripheral resistance and therefore lowers blood pressure and improves the condition of capillaries.
  • Due to its vasodilating action, dry carbon dioxide baths help to restore the oxygen supply to the brain in sufficient quantity; Baths help improve the immune system and activate the processes of resistance to adverse factors.
  • Carbon dioxide contribute to the expansion of blood vessels, and this, in turn, improves blood flow to muscle tissue. Insulin actively interacts with the receptor, resulting in reduction of blood sugar levels;
  • Carbon dioxide has a dual effect on the nervous system. At the beginning of its influence, it acts excitingly, then soothingly. This combination helps the body efficiently and over a short period of time to regain their strength. Blood viscosity decreases under the action of carbon dioxide is the prevention of stagnation in the blood and as a result, prevention of blood clots.
  • With regular medical treatment, dry carbon dioxide baths is eliminated bronchospasm and significantly improved high breathing. The procedure also allows to get rid of cough and shortness of breath.
  • Carbon dioxide baths promote skin regeneration, plus they have antimicrobial properties and help to reduce itching that is often present in skin diseases.
  • Due to the action of carbon dioxide increasing blood flow to the affected cellulite areas of the body, and this accordingly leads to a decrease in their area. Thus fat metabolism is considerably accelerated.


  • ischemia of the heart, myocardial infarction (outside the acute stage).
  • atherosclerosis and hypertension.
  • poor circulation in the brain.
  • prevention of premature aging
  • diabetes.
  • insomnia, neurosis, chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • varicose disease of the lower extremities, thrombophlebitis.
  • chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma.
  • skin diseases, including psoriasis.
  • obesity and cellulite.


  • the acute phase of myocardial infarction
  • heart failure second degree and above
  • hypertension of the third degree
  • acute bronchitis and colds
  • various cancers
  • renal or hepatic insufficiency
  • pregnancy
  • acute diseases and fevers.