The impact zone: neck area, interscapular area, chest area, back, spine, thoracic spine, lumbar-sacral region, back area and lower back.
Vacuum massage banks, which through a system of hoses connected to the machine, is one of the most effective hardware methods of massage. It is based on a profound impact on subcutaneous fat, muscle and skin with a vacuum.
Hardware vacuum massage is one of the types of anti-cellulite massage. The effectiveness of vacuum on problem zones is to strengthen circulation, increase lymphatic drainage in the treated areas, which is why the hardware massage is anti-cellulite massage.
Positive results from treatments of vacuum massage:
- stimulate lymphatic drainage and blood circulation
- a beneficial effect on the functioning of sweat and sebaceous glands
- full muscle relaxation
- the disappearance of the edema and cellulitis (second and third degree)
By lowering the external pressure difference between the internal pressure in the body causing blood flow to surface tissues and the skin, the redness, improves circulation of blood and lymph circulation, eliminates congestion, toxins and harmful substances, improves metabolism, accelerates the processes of tissue regeneration. The body is supplied with blood, oxygen and nutrients.
- in diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system
- edema
- scarring in the back
- pain syndromes
- hematomas
- inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract
- sagging skin
- acute infectious and purulent diseases of skin
- slocateduction of tumors and diseases of the blood; emaciation
- gall-stone disease
- chronic diseases of the heart and blood vessels in the stage of decompensation
- the presence of implanted electronic devices (pacemakers, etc)
- pregnancy, breast-feeding
Not allowed to massage the mammary glands, heart, liver, kidneys, region of the elbow and knee folds, groin area, lymph nodes.