Local cryotherapy – treatment by a jet of cooled air (- 60°C).
- pain relief
- reduction of inflammatory edema and elimination of muscle spasm
- recovered motor function
- metabolism aktiviziruyutsya and come back to normal, improves microcirculation of tissues, and increased immunity.
After local cryotherapy cold hyperemia occurs (redness of the skin).
Procedure local cryotherapy is painless and extremely safe.
- degenerative joint disease (osteoarthritis stage I–III)
- inflammatory diseases of the joints (arthritis)
- lesion of soft tissues (periarthritis, spondylitis), burns, trophic ulcers, erysipelas
- soft tissue injuries, ligaments, tendons, joints and bones
- violation of motor functions of different Genesis, migraine
- vertebrogenic pathology
- acne, seborrhea, atopic dermatitis.
- obliterating atherosclerosis of the 3-4 degree
- venous thrombosis
- vasculitis
- Raynaud's disease
- increased sensitivity to cold