Underwater shower - massage in the sanatorium "Yaselda"

Underwater shower-massage - treatment-and-prophylactic procedure consisting in massaging the body of a person immersed in the water bath with water of different pressure, temperature and direction on the patient's body.

The course of treatment consists of 7 to 12 treatments. One treatment lasts up to 15 minutes.
After the patient's adaptation to the underwater shower-massage is performed using special methods, which are selected depending on the nature of the disease and the individual patient, always strictly observe the General rules of massage.


Enhance blood circulation of the skin and body as a whole, which increases metabolism, activates trophic functions, promotes weight loss, rapid resorption of hemorrhages, accelerates the recovery processes. Improves motility of the gastrointestinal tract. Aktiviziruyutsya work venous and lymphatic circulation. Underwater shower-massage strengthens blood vessels, restoring elasticity, stimulating the reabsorption of excess fluid and drains it toward the natural filters. Effectively removes stagnation (stasis) – leave swelling. Improving blood and lymph circulation, and thus the nutrition of tissues, stimulates metabolism in them and promotes more rapid resorption of chronic inflammation

Warm water comes relaxation of tissue, which minimizes muscle tension during the massage and improves its efficiency. Underwater massage reduces the reflex excitability, reduces the tendency to spasms, gives pain relieving effect.

It is a good way to lose weight and body shaping by reducing fat deposits and cellulite. It is used for stimulating the breakdown of fat and improve the tone of skin and muscles, improves the structure and color of the skin, increases the supply of it nutrients, the skin cells are saturated with oxygen, the skin weI am soft, supple and young, aktiviziruyutsya the body's defenses. Improving blood and lymph circulation, and thus the nutrition of tissues, stimulates metabolism in them and promotes more rapid resorption of chronic inflammation.

Marked beneficial effect of an underwater massage shower in atherosclerotic lesions of peripheral vessels, hypertension, diseases and consequences of traumatic injuries of the musculoskeletal and peripheral nervous systems, obesity, diabetes, intestine dyskinesia. Underwater shower-massage is an effective way to overcome muscle spasm in patients with consequences of stroke. Underwater massage improves overall health, improves mood. There is a feeling of freshness and vivacity.



  • treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems
  • of metabolic diseases, obesity, gout, cellulite
  • violation of motor functions
  • pain in muscles and joints, osteochondrosis, radikulonevrit
  • the consequences of injuries of musculoskeletal system
  • diseases of the joints, muscles and tendons
  • residual effects of post-polio with symptoms of paresis of the muscles
    nervous tension
  • the consequences of injuries and diseases of the peripheral nervous system
    ankylosing spondylitis
  • vegetative - vascular dystonia, arterial hypertension of I degree
    pathologic menopause
  • sports load.


  • the acute phase of myocardial infarction
  • heart failure second degree and above
  • hypertension of the third degree
  • acute bronchitis and colds
  • various cancers
  • renal or hepatic insufficiency
  • pregnancy
  • acute diseases and feverish condition.