In the sanatorium "Yaselda" to treat gastrointestinal therapeutic use of drip enemas and microclysters with broth of herbs (chamomile, calendula).


The result is a course of treatment ( a course of treatment is 5-7 procedures every other day) decreased pain and intestinal spasms, flatulence, establish the regularity of the chair.

The method of medical drip enemas mastered in the sanatorium "Yaselda" since 1995. In connection with weakness of the sphincter of the rectum in elderly patients and inability to retain therapeutic enema (400 ml) methods drip therapeutic enemas mostly with a decoction of chamomile flowers, and decoctions of calendula flowers, sage, eucalyptus leaves more than justified.

Patients without obvious pain and spastic phenomena in the large intestine after preliminary cleansing enema rectal drip entered within 20 min one of the above decoctions of herbs (400ml) with a device for transfusion of blood and blood products (PC-11-05), the modified adapter and rectal tip.

After the procedure, patients are encouraged to lie on your back and on the left side. Patients on prescription can get every day or microclysters decoction of these herbs.


  • constipation
  • intestinal dyskinesia
  • colitis exacerbation of
  • allergic reactions
  • obesity


  • tumors of the intestine
  • operations on the intestine
  • gastrointestinal bleeding
  • ulcerative colitis
  • hemorrhoids in the period of exacerbation
  • pregnant women