Sanatorium "Yaselda" is the best sanatorium of Belarus on provision and mud. In the sanatorium there is a mechanized mud baths
The body of the mud in the "Republican sanatorium for veterans of war, work and disabled people" is on the second floor of the 2nd building (room # 227). Produced mechanical supply of mud to the couch of the patient. Under Cabinet No. 227 are special automated installation (including heating produced) for the delivery of sapropelic mud in a medical office on the second floor.
The mud
Mud is stored in special bunkers, has a quality certificate, confirming its therapeutic properties. Purchase and delivery of mud is made each quarter as you use dirt for leave procedures. Before beginning operation of the mud every morning the staff mixes up the dirt in the hopper to a uniform consistency. Warm, uniform dirt goes to the couch of the patient. Nurse by mixing cold and warm mud (applied mechanical) achieves the temperature of the mud (according to temperature) 44 degrees.
The composition of the mud
In the sanatorium "Yaselda" apply sapropelic mud. Shipping mud from the lake is Wild, not far from the sanatorium "radon". Sapropel mud formed at the bottom of the open fresh water bodies with standing water. They contain a lot of salts and water 90%, their composition is dominated by organic matter (>10%) — highly active biological compounds with a small admixture of mineral substances. In this kind of mud pathogens are absent, but discovered microbes that produce antibiotics.
The local effect of mud on the seat of chronic inflammation manifested onbezbolevaya, anti-inflammatory and resolving action. When conducted properly mud-cure procedures also have beneficial effects, improving overall tone and reactivity. The mechanism of therapeutic action of the mud consists of the influence chemical, mechanical and temperature factors.
Confirmation of effects on the human body chemical factors, as fundamental, is the influence of inorganic and biological components. Healing effect of therapeutic mud manifested in the expansion of vessels and acceleration of blood flow in them. Improving energy security of the organism through improving of tissue respiration, improvement of tissue nutrition due to the increase of redox processes in the body. Mud treatment enhances the immunological activity of the body, affecting the nervous and endocrine systems. Regulates the coagulation properties of blood and metabolic processes in the body at different levels.
The therapeutic effect of mud treatment is formed in time. The reaction of the body caused by the use of mud, and continues after the mud treatments (phase aftereffect). During the course of mud, favorable changes in the body as would be aggregated and fixed by the end of treatment, in the period aftereffect.
In sanatorium apply the local mud applications on metilirovanne (light weight) methods, as mud (especially General application to the whole body) has a significant burden on the body.