Pressure therapy in the sanatorium "Yaselda"

Effective treatment of vascular disease, including venous and lymphatic diseases is the method of acupressure on the "Limpapat" and "Lifestem" made in Germany and the UK.


Therapeutic effect - eliminate lymphostasis and venous congestion, improvement of blood circulation, activation of metabolic processes in skin cells and subcutaneous fat.

Pressotherapy or pressure massage (pneumomassage), combines the principles of physiological tissue drainage and the healing power of massage. To accurately calculate the pressure created by the apparatus, drives the blood and lymph upwards, activating the processes of blood circulation, eliminating swelling. With pressomassage from the tissues of excess fluid, and expelled from the cells waste products. Sudden loss of pressure in the cuff leads to the expansion of blood vessels, increasing blood flow, increasing metabolic processes in cells and tissues.

Pressotherapy is an indispensable assistant in the treatment of cellulite, as it removes the main causes - hypoxia and stagnation of interstitial fluid in subcutaneous adipose tissue.

Pressotherapy is recommended for varicose veins, or a tendency to this disease. Holding pressauthorities procedures in some cases avoids surgery. When postoperative edema pressure therapy is almost the only effective way of providing emergency aid and subsequent treatment.

The positive effects of physiological drainage and massage becomes visible immediately. After the first treatment felt a pleasant warmth throughout the body, lightness in the legs, a rush of energy, improves mood. But after the second or third session disappear swelling begins to smooth out orange peel, even out skin tone and propadayut clearly visible early on the surface of small vessels. The lymphatic system not only nourishes and protects our body, but also cleans it.

Pressure therapy, bringing the body of excess fluid and harmful substances, restores moisture balance, due to the normalization of the circulation of lymph and interstitial fluid. It improves venous circulation, activates metabolic processes in skin cells and fat cells. Acupressure, used in cosmetics, eliminates edema of different origin, significantly reduce the volume of the body, to fight effectively against cellulite and obesity, and eliminate the sagging skin, making it supple and smooth.

Pressure therapy apparatus "of Limpapat", "Lifetim" is very effective. In the sanatorium "Yaselda" is used for cuffs of different parts of the body. Cuff is much easier to use because a vacuum effect is basically shown for individual areas.
For example, varicose veins, diabetic angiopathy, obliterating endarteriite, lymphostasis, pregnancy pressure therapy is producing only on the legs with cuffs "stockings".
For pressure hand use long sleeves-cuffs.
If necessary, correction of the venous and lymphatic drainage of the upper torso use a jacket for pressauthorities procedures.
Compression massage of the lower back and legs is performed using cuff pants.


  • varicose veins of lower extremities, obliterating endarteritis, lymphedema
  • in osteochondrosis, myositis, neuralgia, arthritis, arthrosis, post trauma
  • Cuff "pants" used to fight against cellulite (anti-cellulite massage)


  • cardiovascular diseases in the decompensation stage, the complex rhythm disorders
  • renal failure
  • the drainingElsie fractures
  • malignant tumors
  • pregnancy
  • unhealed fractures
  • violation of the integrity of the skin, dermatitis
  • unhealed cuts and burns