On the couch for the mechanical massage it is possible to perform multilevel paravertebral acupressure release vibration and heating. The result is strengthening of interaction of physical factors that shape new therapeutic effects.
Rollers-massagers, running in edges of the vertebrae occur at the transverse processes, exposing each pass of the vertebra, the intervertebral disc and the joints to mechanical stress. While the intervertebral ligaments are alternately and repeatedly bent and unbent, or compressed and stretched. At the same time local internal physiological microfilaremia. During the procedure, there is a mechanical influence on the problem area of the spine that assisting dosed extended two coupled vertebrae. By increasing the intervertebral space high interdisk pressure decreases. This creates a vacuum-effect "suction" hernial protrusion. All the complex allows to achieve a non-surgical treatment of intervertebral hernias of the lumbar and sacral spine.
- various reflex manifestations of spinal osteochondrosis (neurodistrophical, musculo-tonic, vegetative-vascular), in the stage of subacute and chronic pain, rehabilitation after exacerbations prevention of exacerbations of chronic process
- prolonged autonomic-visceral States: neurocirculatory dystonia, dyskinesia biliary tract, gallbladder, intestines
- bronchial asthma and other obstructive respiratory disease is worsening.
- the acute stage of vertebrogenic diseases
- signs of caudate and myelopathy
- instability of the vertebrae above the 3rd degree in the lumbar, 1-St degree in the cervical spine
- inflammatory diseases of the spinal cord moZGA, meninges and surrounding soft tissues
- systemic lesions of bone (multiple myeloma, hyperparathyroid osteodystrophy, osteoporosis)
- primary and secondary tumors of the spine
- dysplastic and structural scoliosis
- metacrisis wounds, ulcers at the place of work rollers
- bleeding tendency
- kidney stones and gall stones in the acute stage
- condition after concussion (not earlier than 6 months)
- vibration disease in any stage
- mental illness with excessive excitation
- marked atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels
- in disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea)
- cardiovascular diseases in the decompensation stage, including krizova hypotonic and hypertonic disease
- pulmonary heart disease 3.