The balneary sanatorium "Yaselda" issued the following curative soul:

  • circular
  • struevoy (power shower)
  • struevoy contrast
  • rising
  • underwater shower-massage.

Circular shower in the sanatorium "Yaselda"

Circular shower helps to relieve irritability, tension, insomnia, improves the duration and quality of sleep, soothes aching joints, hardens the body. Shower also helps combat cellulite and fatty deposits.

Circular shower is a system of thin tubes with many holes, arranged in a circle. Through these holes water is supplied with different pressure and temperature. Jets of water supplied can be very thin, the patient feels a pleasant tingling.

Under the influence of a circular shower, to all the internal organs the blood flows, metabolism is accelerated, the toxins and harmful substances are excreted from the body much faster.


  • asthenic conditions
  • high (uncontrolled) blood pressure
  • benign or malignant tumors
  • epilepsy
  • complex chronic diseases
  • colds and respiratory catarrh, and various infectious diseases
  • pacemaker
  • exacerbation of allergic conditions
  • pregnancy

Struevoy power shower

The power shower got its name after the famous French psychiatrist Jean-Martin Charcot, who became the founder of this method of hydrotherapy


  • a beneficial effect on the nervous system
  • improvement of health
  • improving the condition of the skin
  • normalization of the immune system
  • the increase in the intensity of metabolism at the cellular level
  • accelerateds metabolic processes in the body
  • stimulation of fat splitting

The technique of the procedure sharko shower

  • procedure sharko shower is the specific impact on the patient's skin water jets are quite strong power
  • distance from the patient to the shower chair during the procedure sharko shower is 3 to 5 meters. A jet of water directed on the patient's body, can be as fan-shaped, and compact. The temperature of the water during Charcot ranges from 32 to 40 degrees
  • at the same time the body is exposed using the two jets of water, gradually reducing the temperature from 40 to 30 (20) degree; the contrast of the temperatures of the jets (warm and cool)
  • the jet in the form of a fan directed at the person behind and then in front, in the direction from head to toe
  • then direct a stream of water specialist working on the back, starting with the feet, then the jet is translated on the back, arms, shoulders
  • the patient turns his face to the shower, worked out legs, abdomen
  • session a rinse fan jet shower Charcot

A course of treatments Charcot is an average of 7-10 sessions.

Procedure sharko shower takes up to 15 minutes. During this time the body gets enough tangible benefits: improved health, circulation, skin condition and immune system, and metabolism at the cellular level becomes more intense.


  • cellulite
  • disorders in the nervous system
  • minor cardiovascular disorders
  • osteochondrosis
  • diseases of the joints
  • chronic fatigue syndrome
  • obesity
  • the rehabilitation period
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract


  • ofmental illness
  • pregnancy
  • weak blood vessels
  • varicose veins
  • severe cardiovascular pathology
  • cancer
  • mental illness

Ascending shower

Ascending shower is one of the variants of local treatment of the soul. It is also called the crotch, as a feature of this shower is the direction of the water jets in the crotch.


The use of this kind of mind due to the massaging effect of the water improves blood circulation in the pelvic region and promotes a more rapid disposal of inflammatory processes. Older patients ascending shower often prescribed as a treatment of sciatica. Since the basis of the procedure is the massage effect of the jets of water under pressure, the sessions perineal shower to improve circulation and strengthen the muscles this area.

Description of the procedure of the rising soul

The patient is seated on a special seat with holes, thus the jets of water of a certain temperature (15-40 degrees) and a certain pressure (1-4 atmospheres) are directed at his body from below, what is the name of the soul upward.


  • proctologic diseases (hemorrhoids, fissures, chronic abscess (fistula), etc.)
  • gynecological (chronic inflammatory diseases of female sexual sphere)
  • urological diseases (chronic inflammatory diseases of the urogenital area ).


  • dermatological diseases of the perineum
  • pregnancy
  • increased bleeding in the crotch area
  • proctologic diseases in the acute period
  • gynecologic disease in the acute period
  • Urollogicheskie diseases in the acute period
  • severe cardiovascular pathology
  • cancer of the pelvic organs
  • mental illness

Underwater shower-massage (VSD)

Treatment-and-prophylactic procedure consisting in massaging the body of a person immersed in the water bath with water of different pressure, temperature and direction on the patient's body.


Enhance blood circulation of the skin and body as a whole, which increases metabolism, activates trophic functions, promotes weight loss, rapid resorption of hemorrhages, accelerates the recovery processes. Improves motility of the gastrointestinal tract.

Aktiviziruyutsya work venous and lymphatic circulation. PDM strengthens blood vessels, restoring elasticity, stimulating the reabsorption of excess fluid and drains it toward the natural filters. Effectively removes stagnation (stasis) – leave swelling.

Warm water comes relaxation of tissue, which minimizes muscle tension during the massage and improves its efficiency. Underwater massage reduces the reflex excitability, reduces the tendency to spasms, gives pain relieving effect.

It is a good way to lose weight and body shaping by reducing fat deposits and cellulite. It is used for stimulating the breakdown of fat and improve the tone of skin and muscles, improves the structure and color of the skin, increases the supply of it nutrients, the skin cells are saturated with oxygen, the skin becomes soft, supple and young, aktiviziruyutsya the body's defenses.
Underwater massage improves overall health, improves mood. There is a feeling of freshness and vivacity.

The course of treatment consists of 7 to 12 treatments. One treatment lasts up to 15 minutes.

After the patient's adaptation to the underwater shower-massage is performed using special methods, which choose in depending on the nature of the disease and the individual patient, always strictly observe the General rules of massage.


  • treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems
  • of metabolic diseases, obesity, gout, cellulite
  • violation of motor functions
  • pain in muscles and joints, osteochondrosis, radikulonevrit
  • the consequences of injuries of musculoskeletal system
  • diseases of the joints, muscles and tendons
  • residual effects of post-polio with symptoms of paresis of the muscles
  • nervous tension
  • the consequences of injuries and diseases of the peripheral nervous system
  • ankylosing spondylitis
  • vegetative - vascular dystonia, arterial hypertension of I degree
  • pathologic menopause
  • exercise


  • dermatological diseases
  • pregnancy
  • increased fragility of blood vessels
  • varicose veins
  • severe cardiovascular pathology
  • cancer
  • mental illness