Shock-wave therapy (SWT) is widely used in the sanatorium "Yaselda". Shock wave therapy is a method of exposure to acoustic shock waves on the body tissues or in pathological education. The shock wave acts directly on bone and cartilage, calcification of, ossification and other acoustically dense formations. The decay of bone tumors, fibrous lesions, and a gradual resorption of fragments.
In the zone of influence of shock waves improves metabolic processes, stimulates the blood circulation, increase the protective properties of the cells.
Therapeutic effects with SW therapy are divided into primary and secondary. Primary effects are the results of this type of treatment, which occur almost immediately, during the procedure UHT or immediately after it.
The primary effects of shock wave therapy:
- reduced severity of pain (for example, by arthrosis, calcaneal spur, trochanterica)
- improvement of blood circulation in a zone of carrying out of procedure of UV-therapy
Secondary, or delayed effects of shock wave therapy:
- improvement of mobility in the affected joint or body part (arthrosis, arthritis and other joint diseases)
- the reduction in size and subsequent resorption (disintegration) of calcification, scarring, areas of fibrous tissue, bone spurs, etc.
- strengthening of ligaments, capsules, joints, and tendons of muscles, and to strengthen their resilience to different kinds of injuries and increased physical activity
- improvement of blood circulation in the affected area due to the fact that it is beginning to sprout new blood vessels (capillaries)
- due to this there is additional, more stable, reducing pain, and improving tissue nutrition of all the organs in this area
- heel spurs
- achillodynia
- inflammation in the shoulder area (shoulder-blade periarteritis)
- osteoarthritis of joints of the upper and lower extremities, hands and feet 1 (2) the degree
- painful muscle seals (myofascial syndrome), trigger points
- pain at the junction of the tendons (tennis elbow or golfer)
- the bleeding disorder
- tumors
- polyps in the treatment area
- pregnancy
- acute inflammation
- children under 18 years
- the presence of a pacemaker
Possible side effects
- temporary reddening of the skin
- swelling
- local reduction of sensitivity and itching
- bruising (a bruise)
- petechiae
Rules of admission of extracorporeal shock wave therapy
- The procedure produced by the doctor, by appointment in the nurse's office at the appointed time
- The procedure is contraindicated to children till 18 years, in the presence of coagulation disorders of the blood, malignant tumors, pregnancy, in acute inflammation
- Take a comfortable, stable posture (lying, sitting)
- It is necessary to expose the area of impact
- Inform the medical professional about discomfort during the procedure (intense pain)
- Possible side effect (in place treatment): temporary skin redness, swelling, temporary local decrease sensitivity, itching, bruising (bruising), petechiae
- After the procedure within 12 hours not recommended thermal procedures (paraffin, mud bath, sauna)
- After the procedure, a three-day recommended intake of water at least 1.5-2 liters per day
- The effectiveness of the treatment depends on the stage of the disease where You turned; from the implementation of the recommendations of the physician (course 3-7 procedures 1-3 times a week, can repeat the course)
Recommendations to the patient
- after the procedure within 12 hours not recommended thermal procedures (paraffin, mud bath, sauna)
- after the procedure, a three-day recommended intake of water at least 1.5-2 liters per day