Finnish sauna
Common sauna (Finnish) with contrast baths
Admission rules of the Finnish sauna
- Do not worry immediately after a meal
- Don't worry, being in an alcohol intoxication
- Are in the sauna no more than 15 minutes, and then relax in the lounge
- You sit on the wooden cover you need, put a towel (not to burn the skin)
- Before you go to the sauna, take a shower and dry the head and body. Cover the head cap made of thick fabric
- Quench your thirst better than water without gas or green tea
- After the sauna take a shower (better to visit a cool contrast baths
Procedure contrast baths
The procedure starts with immersing the patient in warm water for 2-3 minutes– until the redness and then in cold water, where it is 1 min., producing active movement. Such repetition is carried out by 3 - 6 times. You can finish the process of cold bath - toning effect. You can finish up with warm water – soothing effect. Then you need to scrub with a towel.
Contrast baths significantly increase metabolism, train the mechanisms of regulation of blood circulation, are active quenching factor.