Mechanical massage on the chair helps the body to quickly regain their strength after a day of activity and physical labor, eliminate pain, prevent a number of diseases.


Kneading the delicate muscles along the spine eliminates tension and makes it possible to effectively remove fatigue. Soft effect of air compression device (hands and feet) improves blood circulation. Point stimulation on the reflex level launches natural mechanisms of self-regulation and helps to activate the functioning of internal systems. Therapeutic massage significantly strengthens the muscle skeletal, relieves spasms and congestion, therefore, is shown as immunoliposomes means and for prevention of many diseases. In addition to maintaining good physical health massage chair stimulates mental activity with acupressure. The combined effect of massager also has a cosmetic effect, helps to preserve the beauty and fight excess weight.


  • osteochondrosis of the spine
  • scoliosis of the spine
  • neuralgia and neuritis
  • diabetic neuropathy
  • neurocirculatory dystonia (dystonia)
  • migraine
  • bronchitis chronic


  • damage to the spine
  • implanted electronic device (for example, an electronic pacemaker)
  • the loss of sensitivity associated with the disorder of peripheral blood circulation
  • stretching of muscles and ligaments
  • wounds in areas exposed to massage
  • gallstone and kidney stone disease with frequent attacks
  • an acute febrile condition
  • purulent processes of any localization
  • various skin diseases
  • chronic osteomyelitis
  • malignant disease
  • the tendency to bloodtrends
  • mental illness with excessive excitation
  • marked atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels
  • in disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea)
  • cardiovascular diseases in the decompensation stage, including krizova hypotonic and hypertonic disease
  • pulmonary heart disease 3.