Laser therapy is effective in diseases of the joints, spine, internal organs.
In the sanatorium "Yaselda" is released nazvannoe laser irradiation of blood, EHF-therapy, quantum hemotherapy was, Hilo therapy or laser of high intensity.
- improve metabolic processes
- improve microcirculation in the affected area
- the acceleration of reparative processes
- the increase in immunological activity
- the normalization of the activities of the autonomic nervous system
- diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (spinal osteochondrosis, diseases of joints, periarticular tissues, trauma)
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, cholecystitis, etc.) in chronic and subacute stages
- diseases of the cardiovascular system (arterial hypertension of 1-2 degree, exertional angina FC 1-2, endarteritis, varicose veins)
- cancer
- severe cardiovascular disease
- pathology of blood coagulation system
- individual intolerance to the laser
- acute purulent infection
Nazvannoe laser irradiation of blood (NLOC)
- a stimulating effect on hematopoiesis
- activation of a system of General circulation and microcirculation
- improve blood rheology (fluidity)
- increased absorption of oxygen by cells and tissues
- correction of the system of cellular and humoral immunity
- observed anti-inflammatory, decongestant and analgesic action</li>
- coronary heart disease
- disorders of lipid metabolism
- recurrent tonsillitis, sinusitis and bronchitis
- the weakening of the immune system
- allergic reactions
- diseases with a tendency to become chronic
- infectious diseases
- dermatitis
- atopic dermatitis
- eczema
- disorders of the peripheral and Central circulation
- venous insufficiency
- cancer
- severe cardiovascular disease
- pathology of blood coagulation system
EHF - therapy
Treatment electromagnetic radiation of millimeter range of extremely high frequency and low intensity.
- immunomodulatory
- painkiller
- anti-stress
- decongestant
- anti-inflammatory
- anticoagulation
- improve microcirculation
- stimulation of regeneration
Quantum hemotherapy was
Irradiation of blood by laser magnetic special effects
stimulating effect on the blood, improve blood rheology (fluidity), correction of immunity
- the weakening of the immune system
- allergic reactions
- diseases with a tendency to become chronic
- infectious diseases
- dermatitis
- atopic dermatitis
- eczema
- disorders of the peripheral and Central circulation
- venous insufficiency
- coronary heart disease
- disorders of lipid metabolism
- recurrent tonsillitis, sinusitis and bronchitis
- cancer
- severe cardiovascular disease
- pathology of blood coagulation system