Ultrasound therapy

Ultrasound refers to the number of active physical factors have various effects on various organs and systems. Ultrasound therapy is presented in a sanatorium machines series PHYSIOMED (Germany), ВТL (UK), an unmanned ultrasound production UK.


Ultrasound has the following therapeutic effects

  • analgesic
  • resolving
  • anti-inflammatory
  • antispastic
  • vasodilator

In the sanatorium "Yaselda" ultrasound therapy including phonophoresis (ultrasound therapy with the use of the drug) is used widely due to its advantages:

  • ultrasound effectively reduces swelling, stimulates tissue regeneration, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect
  • ultrasound (phonophoresis) promotes active oxygenation of tissues, improving the elasticity of connective tissues and thereby rejuvenate the skin
  • ultrasound affects cells massage, activating the metabolism, blood circulation, has anti-spastic effect, but also has a lymphatic drainage effect


  • neurological manifestations of spinal osteochondrosis
  • the impact of diseases and injuries of the peripheral nervous system, neuropathy, neuralgia
  • chronic nonspecific inflammatory diseases of the lung
  • diseases of the digestive system
  • skin diseases (scleroderma, allergic processes, etc.)
  • cellulite
  • diseases of ENT-organs
  • gynecological and urological diseases
  • surgical pathology (keloid scars, adhesions illness)


  • damage to the skin in the treated area
  • acute inflammatorye disease
  • malignant neoplasms
  • diseases of the internal organs in severe
  • severe endocrine dysfunction
  • arterial hypertension 3 degrees
  • pregnancy (second half term)
  • severe violation of the circulation