Vacumed ANS - the product is based on innovative, advanced technologies in the fight against vascular disease. Interval vacuum therapy for painful and edematous syndromes on the hands, neck and shoulders. Improvement and restoration of microcirculation - extension spasm or clogged capillaries, improve cardiovascular, brain activity, healing of trophic ulcers, etc.
- Pain therapy
- Stimulation of blood circulation, improvement and restoration of microcirculation
- Lymphatic drainage
- Restore elasticity of the soft tissues
The action of the device Vacumed A. N. S. based on alternately applying negative pressure and the atmospheric pressure on the upper limbs.
This process is similar to the pump action - "more heart."
This method is contactless, everything happens at the level of physics, due to the difference of potentials of pressure.
The vacuum created in the capsule is transferred into vessels, arteries, veins, the lymphatic system and capillaries.
During the phase of negative pressure, the expansion of blood vessels and tissue pressure in these tissues decreases, which contributes to the abundant inflow of arterial blood in the upper limb of the body.
During the phase of atmospheric pressure, venous blood and lymph is actively promoted through the capillaries of the venous and lymphatic system, improves lymphatic drainage, helps to remove metabolism products.
- occlusion of peripheral arteries
- diabetic microangiopathy
- arterial hypertension stage 1-2
- chronic venous insufficiency (post-thrombotic syndrome)
- trophic ulcers, etc.
- prevention of thrombosis and vascular diseases
- post-stroke complications
- atrophy and hypotrophy of the muscles of the upper extremities
- dermatoses (psoriasis, nartermis
- Syndrome chronic tension in the tendon
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Syndrome Sudaka
- Epicondylitis
- Post-traumatic / post-operative edema
- Acceleration of wound healing
- Therapy swelling (mastectomy)
- Raynaud's Disease
- phlebothrombosis, thrombophlebitis, deep venous thrombosis, (< 8 weeks)
- infected wounds in the area of exposure, burns to skin (acute and chronic wounds without infection can be treated)
- acute inflammatory diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (pyoderma, furunculosis, abscess)
- acute trauma of the musculoskeletal apparatus, after surgical treatment must be at least 6 months
- severe hypotension
- reconstructive operations on vessels of the upper extremities.
Rules of admission of vacuum therapy on Vacumed A. N. With.
- The treatments are made by the physician at the appointed time
- If necessary, use the information share (is a nurse)
- The duration of the procedure 30-40 minutes (depending on assigned program)
- Does not require pre-treatment of the skin and removing clothes
- Clothing should be free. You must remove jewelry from hands (rings, bracelets).
- You must inform the nurse about discomfort during the procedure
- The effectiveness of treatment depends on the regular admission procedures: normally daily, alternating hands (right, left). The course of treatment from 5-6 to 10 procedures on each upper limb.