The best sanatorium for the treatment of musculoskeletal system –it's sanatorium "Yaselda".
Neurologist sanatorium "Yaselda" is an experienced doctor of the first qualification category. Carries out individual consultations on the direction of the attending physician .
Has professional development courses and certificate in carboxytherapy. The accumulated experience, there is only positive feedback on the use of carboxytherapy.
A doctor who can treat the spine. A neurologist performs paravertebral periduralna, muscle blockade, blockade zone nanoactuators, carboxytherapy, hardware-assisted traction therapy (spinal traction, of large joints of upper and lower limbs) – read More about traction therapy in the sanatorium "Yaselda", visit our website at "non-traditional treatment. Traction therapy". 2018 neurologist performs the intra-articular administration of prosthetic synovial fluid under ultrasound control.