Reflexology in the sanatorium "Yaselda" is a popular activity.
Reflexologist sanatorium "Yaselda" is an experienced doctor of the highest qualification category. Provides advice, reflexology, acupuncture (auriculopuncture; classic corporal acupuncture).
Acupuncture (acupuncture) - a method of treatment based on the introduction of special needles into specific points on the skin. With the right impact point is improved for many diseases.
- classical corporal acupuncture
- auriculopuncture (acupuncture in the ear).
The most important achievement of reflexology is to normalize the internal interconnections of the body, leading to stimulation of its own forces, which ultimately leads to recovery. Acupuncture is the currency translation procedure, which includes the cycle 3 to 10 treatments, Indications for acupuncture: diseases of the musculoskeletal system, Central and peripheral nervous system, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, digestive system, genitourinary, gynecological disease, ophthalmological disease, Allergy, endocrine disorders, assistance in dealing with addictions, treatment of excess weight.
Acupuncture is not independent and universal method of curing diseases. It is used in combination with drug therapy, diet therapy, other physiotherapy methods of treatment.
The rules of receiving acupuncture treatment in the sanatorium "Yaselda"
1. Treatments are available on prescription, by appointment at the doctor reflexologist, at the appointed time.
2. With regular use of any medication inform doctor.
3. Eliminate alcohol, limit the intake of analgesics.
4. Before the procedure is not recommended for a long time to starve
long to stay out of the sun and in the Solarium.
5. You must inform your doctor about discomfort during the procedure (heart rate, weakness, stuffy ears, nausea).
5. After the procedure recommended rest for 20-30 minutes.
6. It is undesirable to take a bath, shower, sauna for 2-3 hours after the procedure.
7. It is necessary to differentiate the time electrotherapy and reflexology (acupuncture).
8. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the regular admission procedures (1-3 times per year for 3-10 treatments), from the strict implementation of the recommendations.
Read more about acupuncture treatment in the sanatorium "Yaselda" see our website "Unconventional therapy. Reflexology"